What comes to mind when you think about a dog kennel? Do you think of a large wooden structure that must be painted or stained to stop it from rotting? Do you think of something that will eventually have to be replaced? Are you imagining a flat-pack kit that will take a few hours out of your day to construct to begin with, before your dog can even start using it? Are you wondering about splinters in your dog’s paws?

If so, you probably haven’t come across Plastic Dog Kennels before. These are available in a range of sizes and usually come flat-packed. Don’t let that deter you, though – they take mere moments to put together and once assembled, your dog will be able to go inside to try it out.

But are plastic dog kennels better than wooden ones, and will they be any good for your pet? If you had your doubts regarding plastic kennels, get ready to be surprised. They are far more appealing than you might have thought.

Indoor and outdoor use

One of the biggest benefits of getting a plastic kennel is its versatility. If you were to purchase a wooden kennel, you’d need to use it outside. Can you imagine how odd it would look if you kept a wooden kennel indoors?

That’s not the case with a plastic kennel. In this instance, you could easily place the kennel indoors – perhaps in a conservatory or even in the corner of the kitchen. Wherever your dog sleeps, a plastic kennel would look lovely and would provide a nice cosy space for them to snuggle up in.

Completely weatherproof if you do use it outdoors

Wouldn’t it be lovely to have a dog kennel you didn’t have to worry about painting or staining to prolong its life? They may look nice, but there is a degree of work involved to keep them looking that way.

When you get a plastic kennel, you don’t have to worry about this. you can put it together, place it in the garden, and that’s it. It is weatherproof right from the start and it will stay that way, too. Most have air vents in the sides to keep air circulating but keep the rain out when the weather is bad. This means you and your dog can have the best of all worlds.

Affordable and maintenance-free

Posh Pets Plastic Dog Kennel - Small (Ruby)

Wooden kennels can be very pricey, especially when you factor in the cost of the paint, stain, and brushes to get the job done. Then there’s the time spent putting it together and keeping it maintained.

You don’t have any of that to worry about when you invest in a plastic kennel. Look at the Posh Pets Small Kennel In Ruby, for instance. It comes in eight pieces and when you put it together, you’ll be surprised at just how sturdy it is. It has vents in each side and in the rear, and features an overhanging roof to ensure rain runs off and doesn’t go inside the kennel. If you do need to clean it, a simple wipe- or hose-down with clean soapy water will do the trick. And that’s all there is to it – honest!

The design also ensures the main body of the kennel is kept off the floor – not something that is always true of a wooden kennel, which can sit on the ground. Thus, there is no chance of any water leaking in from below, and cold air from the ground won’t seep in through the base, either.

A cosy bed for your dog to enjoy

Posh Pets Plastic Dog Kennel - Small (Grey)

Of course, you can add your dog’s favourite bed and toys in moments once the kennel is constructed and ready for use. It doesn’t merely have to be their bed, either. When used indoors, it provides them with a safe place to retreat to when they want some peace and quiet. Most dogs love a den, and this is the ideal solution when you’re looking to create just that. Even outdoors, they will love sheltering in it when it is raining, or even when it is sunny, if the kennel is placed in a shady spot.

But perhaps the best feature of a plastic dog kennel is its value for money. You know you will get a long life from this type of kennel, and thanks to its no-hassle design, you’ll have it up and ready for your dog to enjoy just minutes after delivery. With a low price to pay to receive your dog kennel, you can see how appealing it is to get a plastic one.

So, if you were doubtful of the quality and long-lasting nature of a plastic kennel compared to a wooden one, you can see how impressive the plastic version is.